School Lunch in Japan - It's Not Just About Eating!
It's Everybody's Ocean (Trailer)

June, 2020
Podcast - Be The Change
Giving Kids a Seat at the Plastic Free Table #BetheChange with Christine Dimmick
Debby Lee and I were invited to speak about Microplastic Madness and how youth activism could look like in this challenging time.

Documentary Filmmaker,
Environmental Activist,
Media Director, Cafeteria Culture
Co-Direcotr/Producer, Microplastic Madness
ATSUKO is a 21st generation Samurai family member from northern Japan, living in New York City. She directed and produced “It’s Everybody’s Ocean,” a film about marine debris that won the best documentary short at NYC International Film Festival in 2014, two awards at other festivals, and has been shown in ten cities all over the world. “School Lunch in Japan - It’s not just about eating" (2010), her short documentary, has over 28 million views on YouTube! The movie conveys the importance of quality school mealtime and has inspired international audiences of students, educators, and school food leaders. Atsuko teaches videography, production, storytelling and leadership to underserved New York City youth through Cafeteria Culture’s school programs.